People keep telling me how they only way to ensure a good readership on a blog is to be consistent with posts and uploads. This has always irked me because I know that this will always be one of my failings, I am uncontrollably inconsistent and sporadic in content creation…

This comes as a result of a few key reasons:

1)      I have been known to be incredulously lazy.

2)      I tend to appreciate the idea of something almost as much as (or even more than, sometimes) the thing itself. This means that sometimes I’ll postulate and invent an entire post in my mind which screams of descriptive ingenuity, clear profundity and obtuse insight, however I’ll be so happy with myself for having created such serenely exquisite content that my satisfaction will be complete and instead of putting it down on paper or LCD I’ll make a cup of coffee/tea/hot beverage and do something else instead.

3)      As time piles up like a thick layer of dust on my previous post, I begin to fear and worry about how I haven’t posted in so long. I will inevitably then disappear into the webternet/pc game/sci-fi novel/whatever to escape my inconsolable grief and discontent at my lack of content on this blog since my last entry.

4)      The inevitable result of this crippling guilt and decrepitating defeat is that I attempt to counter the moral injustice inflicted upon my readers by deciding that the next post will be dramatically brilliant and exceptional. That it will be the best thing you’ve ever read. That major news broadcasters will hear of the vast traffic, slowing the intertubes, as people flock to my blog, and feature it on prime time television. So rich in depth and precise in execution that I’ll be swept from my seat by swarming fans and offered sacks of money, innumerable peace prizes, literary awards, fame… This of course suddenly becomes a bit too intimidating to do right away and so I disappear into the webternet/pc game/sci-fi novel/whatever to escape my inconsolable grief and discontent at my lack of content on this blog since my last entry. It’s all just a horrible cycle actually.

A badly drawn comic (c) Jack Figure aka Jeremy

A badly drawn comic (c) Jack Figure aka Jeremy

With that said, I have just broken the cycle and written three posts, including this one. The next two will follow tomorrow and the next day, come back and see, they’ll be good. I promise.


Jack Figure (aka Jeremy)